How, Upon Reflection, To Be Amorous Cover

Marvin Cohen, born in 1931, has been writing about love for as long as he remembers. This anthology samples his works across a variety of formats; dramatic dialogue, essay, verse, epigram, short story and novella. It ranges from lust to love, from frustration to fulfillment, from sex to separation. Edited and introduced by Colin Myers.

Marvin Cohen (1931–2025) was the author of numerous novels, plays, and collections of short pieces, including The Self-Devoted Friend, Others, Including Morstive Sternbump, and Baseball as Metaphysics. He lived in New York City.

pub date: 2023-09-15
$21.95 | 280 pages
isbn: 978-1-952386-72-5 (paperback)
978-1-952386-73-2 (ebook)
Cover design by Walter Smart