Sorry, I Broke Your Promise is a text-cosmos entwined in its own birth and decay, suffering both obscurities of erasure and, amidst the resulting caverns of darkness, twinkling ignitions of wit and purpose. Quasi-intentional structures appear (or appear to) on every scale, summoning the ghosts of meaning and compelling them to a perpetual haunting, but stubbornly, through its own self-creating processes of distortion, redaction, and interruption, the text always holds any final possibility of meaning’s materialization just beyond our reach; the forms of the visible are systematically undermined by the invisible, by the power of an all-encompassing field of “dark meaning.” Lest this seem deadly serious, the trials and tribulations of Light in this dark cosmic minefield are both light- and dark-hearted, absurd and profound: the charming, taunting and befuddling pratfalls of a clown who is also, both openly and secretly, Hamlet.
“A rumination on the unexpected, Sorry I Broke Your Promise explores the underlying dyslexia of consciousness. It cannot be unseen, inasmuch as it can not be seen.”
—Charles Holdefer, author of Agitprop for Bedtime
“The words glitter like a cache of pyrite, but the real treasure lies in the empty spaces, the dark, unspoken passages into which the reader finally plummets once rational exhaustion has overcome them. Seldom has the antiheroic nullameter been wielded so forcefully as in this cavernous work.”
—Xi Fan McBride, author of How the Spanish Inquisition Saved The West